Let’s explore
how to develop
great code &
yourself as a coder.

Welcome on self.format,
Here I interweave issues of continuous self-development — productivity, valuable skills, and tools, with software engineering, especially Android, Kotlin, and mobile multiplatform.

Let’s explore
how to develop
great code &
yourself as a coder.

Welcome on self.format,
Here I interweave issues of continuous self-development — productivity, valuable skills, and tools, with software engineering, especially Android, Kotlin, and mobile multiplatform.

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How to make writing easier

Let's face it. Most readers just skim the text of articles. Unless they're true fans of a given author or seeking a specific kind of information, chances that the article will be consumed top to bottom are low as hell.
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How to make writing easier

Let's face it. Most readers just skim the text of articles. Unless they're true fans of a given author or seeking a specific kind of information, chances that the article will be consumed top to bottom are low as hell.

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newsletter about continuous development

Every time I come across great content, I wonder – why only now? Why didn’t someone tell me about this before?

This is why I’ve created this newsletter.

You can be notified about great content, lifehacks, inspirations – and don’t waste too much time seeking these things.

Key benefits:

  • sent only when its worth sharing new content
  • inside: top books, articles, courses, apps, concepts that helped me during my self-development
  • you will be informed about my new content – mainly new articles or workshops

Check out some samples before joining

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newsletter about continuous (self) development

Every time I come across great content, I wonder – why only now? Why didn’t someone tell me about this before?

This is why I’ve created this newsletter.

You can be notified about great content, lifehacks, inspirations – and don’t waste too much time seeking great things.

Key benefits:

  • sent only when its worth sharing new content
  • inside: top books, articles, courses, apps, concepts that helped me during my self-development
  • you will be informed about my new content – mainly new articles\

Check out some samples before joining